

Page history last edited by Todd 15 years ago











Imagine an orange morning sun has cleared the mountains behind your left shoulder. You are standing on miles of deserted beach.  In front of you is the mighty Pacific ocean. It's rising swells become glass walls and you can clearly see fish cruising within them.  A lure vaults from your rod and you track it until it becomes a distant small splash. Immediately you crank the reel at a plug skipping rate.  Your heart leaps as a dark shadow suddenly appears!  You start to faintly tremble as it cuts back and forth behind the fleeing lure.  Every ounce of you shouts for the fish to strike but the pursuit remains unchanged. It's a breakneck race and just when it seems unlikely to happen the tall comb of a roosterfish slices to the surface! A tremendous splash engulfs every bit of your attention and your lure! The rod bends and the drag whirls.  The fish over powers you with it's strength and speed.  It is a test of stamina and will.  After a long while,  the head shaking runs weaken and eventually a wave delivers the tired fish to your feet.  It's black racing stripes glisten and the rooster comb is magnificent!  What an exotic and beautiful thing it is!  This is what you have come for!  It is pure gold!







This website is all about hardcore surf fishing on tropical shores.   It is for the diehard traveling angler who’s committing significant time and money for the expressed purpose of catching big fish from shore.   The angler who wants to include a little fishing while enjoying a resort vacation will find some useful information but that is not the focus here.   This is all about going large in an effective, enjoyable, and safe manner.   Most of the information is based on Mexican Pacific experience but it is applicable to any warm climate shoreline environment. 






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                                                                                                 ROOSTERFISH !!!                    





Roosterfish (pez gallo in Spanish) exist only in the tropical Eastern Pacific which makes them as rare as they are beautiful.  They frequent long sandy shorelines where they chase bait.  Hot spots are where the deep edge of the sand shelf swings close to shore and also where the sand beaches terminate in rocky points.  Roosterfish come in many sizes.  20 - 30 pounders are comman and they tend to travel in small schools.  The really big ones can approach 100 pounds and they tend to be in pairs or alone. Roosterfish are very wary and they have keen eyesight.  It is not unusual for them to follow behind a lure for long distances while they closely inspect the forgery.  Because of this, rapid surface skipping lures are used that offer the roosterfish only glimpses of the lure.  It is important to retrieve the lure rapidly and not slow down when one is chasing.  They frequently surf within the waves as they hunt for food and sometimes it requires a very long cast to fish the waves before they break.    Roosterfish usually fight in short powerful runs that are parallel to the shore.  They have great stamina.  It is very unusual for them to make long runs to deep water.  They will  occassionally take to the air in leaps. The summer months are roosterfish months and if you want to catch them you will need to resign yourself to the heat, humidty, and rains.   All roosterfish are trophy fish and they should be handled with care and immediately released.   The sight of a wave surfing roosterfish as it charges your fleeing lure is the pinnicle of surf fishing excitement!





                                                                                                        JACK CREVELLE !!!





Jack crevelles (toros in Spanish) are the toughest, hardest fighting, and strongest fish on the beach.  They are very willing biters and they can get very large (up to 40 pounds).  Crevelles are masters at using the force of the currents and the waves to their advantage.   It is not unusual for them to feed very near the shore during the early morning hours.  When crevelles are picky about biting a very rapid retrieve can sometimes stimulate them.  It is not unusual for crevelles and roosterfish to be in the same locations.  A variety of lures can be used to catch them.  The most consistant action is during the summer months when they roam in singles and pairs.  During the winter months they tend to school and the action is sometimes a total hit or miss.




                                                                                                  CUBERA !!!








Cubera snappers (pargo in Spanish) are built like bull dogs and they have a set of teeth to match.  They like the rocks and also fresh water discharges.  Schools of five to ten pounders can be found near shore during the cool winter months.  Big cuberas are solitary homebodies and it takes a lot of walking and probing to find one.   They are best caught using metal lures with a moderate retrieve rate.   Cuberas are fabulous eating but slow growing.  Do not waste them and be moderate in the numbers you keep and eat.




                                                                                             THE OTHERS !!!







Many unfamiliar and unusual species swim these waters--hawkfish, needlefish, African pompano, sierra mackerel, and hogfish, to name just a few.  Here, a tug on the line is like a box of chocolates.  You just never know what you're going to get!  Whatever it is, it's sure to be a part of the memories that will last a lifetime!






Surf rods for the adventurous 

Reels For adventure surf fishing

 Lures for adventure surf fishing

Line and connections 

Foot wear for tropical surf fishing

The sun The sun The sun

Assorted Other Stuff





 A Casting Video

Modifying the Super Strike Little Neck Popper

The Doubled Five Turn Uniknot

All about wind knots

Water purification and dehydration

Renting a Car and Driving

The Medicine Chest






Roosterfish Revelations Nov 2009

Simply Awesome! Nov 2009

Desperados Sept 2009

Floriditos In Mexico Sept 2009

The Blood Bath Aug 2009

What The Heck Was That ??!! Aug 2009

The Gods Must Be Crazy Sept 2008

Night Of The Iguana Sept 2008

Primal Fishing in Mexico - The Man Dance Aug 2008

The Cats of Nine in Mexico Aug 2007

Central Mexican Pacific Trip Jan 2007

The day I will not forget

Central Mexican Pacific Trip September 2006

Central Mexican Pacific Trip Aug 2006 

Surf fishing Mexico in solitude

Central Mexican Pacific Aug 2005


















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