When we go to an exotic location to surf fish our time is limited and we need to have the capability to catch fish under the situation presented to us. We do find times when the fish are near shore but these times are usually brief and unpredictable for the visiting surf fisherman. Adventure surf fishing frequently demands very long casting capabilities and rod selection is an important component of this. I would consider 100-yard capabilities a minimum requirement and 150 yard capabilities are certainly possible and advantageous. In addition, we will be making many more casts than we would on a casual home turf outing. This requires the rod to be quite light.
It makes no sense to invest in an expensive surf fishing trip with a compromise rod. The rod will be in you hands for many hours per day. A good quality two piece rod will repay you in comfort, enjoyment, and fish catching.
Here are some recommendations if you want to purchase your own rod. For the average surf caster the 11 foot Daiwa Saltiga is an excellent choice. In the right hands, the very light weight 10' 6" Breakawayusa Omega is capable of very long casts. A custom made 11.5 foot Rainshadow 1387 is an excellent and versatile rod. The lowest cost rods I would consider are the 11' Tica Dolphin and the 12' Daiwa Emcast. Very strong and accomplished surf casters can utilize larger rods but they will usually sacrifice casting endurance for just a few more yards of distance. Big Pacific fish that are caught in the surf cannot be rod muscled in. It's best to fight them with a fairly light drag until they play themselves out.
Remember, the rod should have a "sweet spot" in the 2 1/2 - 3 ounce range. It should be stiff at the tip and light in weight. You should always have a back up rod available in case of breakage.
Virtually all commercial airlines allow checked in rod tubes. Make sure you examine the specifics of their policies by going to their website and checking under "baggage", "checked in items", and "sporting equipment. Recently, most airlines have adopted a policy of allowing onlyone free checked in item. This usually is occupied by your suitcase. They usually charge @$25 EACH WAY ($50 round trip) for a second checked in item. This would be your rod tube. One way around this is to fish with someone who has quality rods available for your use at your destination.
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